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ProgressBarWars (Star Wars Tribute)

ProgressBar (Demo 1)

ProgressBar (Demo 2 - Time change)

ProgressBar (Demo 3 - Size change)

ProgressBar (Demo 4 - Color change)

ProgressBarWars jQuery

Quick start

1.- Include the files

    <!-- Bootstrap and JQuery -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
    <script src="jquery.min.js"> </script>
    <!-- Plugin -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="ProgressBarWars.css">
    <script src="ProgressBarWars.js"></script>
2.- Create HTML Element

   <div id="example1"></div>
<div id="example2"></div>
<div id="example3"></div>
<div id="example4"></div>
3.- Call the the plugin on a container as your wish

4.- All done!


you can custom by passing options when call the plugin, all available options are listed below. call the the plugin on a container wish you wish

                    option: value,
                    option2: value2
Demo (Options)

            porcentaje:"100", /* value of bar (0 to 100)% */
            tiempo:1000, /* is velocity in milliseconds */
            color:"#6D4C41", /* disabled (estilo - yoda, vader,etc..) */
            estilo:"yoda", /* values (yoda, vader,obi,windu) */
			tamanio:"30%",   /* with (0 to 100) */
			alto:"10px"      /* height ( px or % ) */